Sign Painters Documentary
Here’s a look at how sign painters do things either traditionally or their way. I have always been a lover of letterform and anything from typography to the traditional hand painted sign and I find this Documentary very interesting.
Sign Painters Documentary
Its been a busy Summer
Here’s a recap of some things i’ve been up to with photos to show you how its been going. first off we took a trip to Washington and painted a bunch of art for a friend in Snohomish. And did I mention Spawk and co is now in two stores out of Washington State? you can purchase the brand with exclusive items now at Jag Art Supply in Everett and also at The Rose Gallery in Snohomish. Both places have items you can not find on our website. You will have to contact them to see what it is. Another awesome trip was to California for Danny Hastings awesome display of photography. If you don’t know who Danny is he is responsible for iconic photos of Jay Z, Big Pun, The Iconic cover for Wutang’s 36 Chambers and a bunch of other awesome photos. the exhibit was at The Flat Black Shop in Coachella which you can also now pick up exclusive Spawk merch from directly. I also took a trip to the infamous Chicano Parque to visit my friends from Cositas Bonitas and had a blast out there. If you are in San Diego don’t forget to stop and say hi for me. You can pick up Spawk merch there too. I took a trip to Texas, Colorado and am planning on hitting Chicago next so stay posted on the Instagram to see more of my trips and and maybe catch me painting some walls on the way. Like always feel free to reach out if you have walls in your city i can paint or a store you want to see my merchandise in. I love meeting you guys and making it easy for you to get the latest Spawk merch. Thank you guys. I will post more photos soon.
Phoenix Suns Mural
Completed Phx Suns Mural By Spawk and Faust
I was contacted by my brother Faust about creating a mural for the Phoenix Suns and after discussing what we really wanted to do I began to look for a good wall to create this monster mural. It didn’t take long before I remembered “Just Blaze” ; a local smoke shop that had a large black wall and I decided to reach out. The owner didn’t hesitate to give us the green light since he has worked with our team before on art projects so on the 4th of July, Faust and I got to work. We knew we wanted Booker and CP3 to be the main focus points of this mural but the background and logo ideas changed every day as we progressed more and more. We were using our own time, and money to get this project done and after the first day we realized our scaffolds were not going to be enough to reach the very top of the building. The owner of Just Blaze realized we were in a predicament and offered to rent us a lift and give us some paint to keep the project going without stress and it really made it easy to put 100 percent in to this giant production.
After that first day people started to realize something cool was happening in their city and the crowds began to start coming out. A few of the news stations came out to interview us and that was really the beginning of the action we saw every day while on this project. The complete project took us five days starting at six in the morning and usually slowed down around noon due to the heat. We pushed thru it the best we could and tried not to think of how hot it was outside. People started to help us in different ways like “Estero Beach Tacos” brought us a giant cooler filled with his special Cucumber water, our friend Franko came by with a swamp cooler and food every morning, and “Snoh Ice Shavery” came out with some drinks too.
Over all we are both really happy with how the city has been coming together to see the mural and support the Suns as they battle the Bucks in the championship this season. I know the Suns are going to win it and I hope this mural brings more smiles to people for months to come. The mural is set to come down around November but we will see what the reaction of the city does for it. You guys might encourage Just Blaze to keep it up longer.
Thank you to everyone who has shared the content on social media and remember to support us by tagging us or buying something from the webstore. We will keep painting cool murals for as long as we see possible. -Spawk
We are open to any and all opportunities throughout the valley for mural projects.
Faust and Spawk
We worked together thru the extreme heat.
The 5th Hand (Post Popup)
This may be my first Blog but Ive gotta talk about how awesome the 5th hand popup was. Big thank you to Pop’n Tea and @infinitetone for collaborating with me on this and big thank you to George for bringing out his beautiful impala for display outside the show doors. Thank you to the models who came out and let me paint them and to Dino and Bonehead for helping with the booth. Honestly thank you to everyone who was there and showed love because you guys made it what it truly was. here are a few of the awesome photos taken at the show by some of the photographers and friends. I can only hope to have this kind of support at the next popup wich is already in the works.