Javier Cordova Javier Cordova

Going All City SW was a Success

This major Graff Aholeks even took place at a Giant yard in Phoenix this year and it was a huge success. We don’t put this event on for money or recognition; we put it on for all the writers to have a place to be able to paint what they want and show off the skill they have been working on their whole life. I know there’s many paint jams across the world and festivals with live art but there’s something special about an event put on by real Graffiti Writers for real Graffiti writers. We accept the muralists and street artists but all in all this jam is put on to make the true Graff heads feel at home. Being a Writer myself that has been a full time artist for so long I have seen everything from greedy promoters to regular joes’ who see an opportunity to exploit and make money off our culture but none of that matters here. We are all here to paint and network with each other. There’s much more I could say but I’m getting tired of typing so please enjoy the video and photos and also make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel or buy some merch from my online store. Everything we do comes out of pocket and we do not have any sponsors paying for anything. Thank you and come back soon.

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Javier Cordova Javier Cordova

25 Year Anniversary

This year we have been celebrating 25 years of the Graff_Aholeks Crew and it’s been a blast. We kicked things off in Tyler Texas with a few Massive walls and even made the front page of the Tyler newspaper. I had a blast with my crew and even tho it was a 15 hr drive for me I cant stress enough how well Gemini from the Texas chapter treated the crew. I had a blast and the crew painted some amazing walls. Gemini even set us up with a couple box trucks and a taco truck to paint whatever we wanted. We had our meet and greet at a local bar and it couldn’t have gone any better. we let a few new heads in the crew that are for sure gonna make the team even stronger and I am grateful for my new Familia.


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