Javier Cordova Javier Cordova

25 Years Strong

Since this is our 25 Year as a crew we have all been going extra hard out there Painting, Traveling, and spending more time with the other chapters. This year we were approached by Artlink to put together a gallery show highlighting the 25 years as a Collective. The catch is we only had 4 weeks to put it all thogether and half of us were going to be in Texas for the 25 year Paint Jam already. that means we only had three weeks to come up with new artwork, clean out the gallery, paint the walls, and hang the show. Thanks to Robert (2Nice) Gentile we were able to get it all done with enough time to enjoy the show. I didnt get many photos but here is what I could steal from the internet. Thank you to everyone who came out and those of you who helped make it run smooth.

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